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hello peeps ! welcome to superwoman's. Have a nice tour here :D

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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Lizzy Lee

Inspiration & Experience

Hello peeps ! Today, i'm going to share about the difference between inspiration and experience when it comes to write some stories. Yeah, tbh these two are different. Inspiration exist when there is something inspire or attract us that generates a lot of idea for us to write while experience is based on our own self. What we have been through can be write and being adapted into our story. That's called as experience. Sure, all of you know that. So, if you're asking me what source I used to create a story then I will go with Imagination and sometimes Inspiration. I never have the experience coz I'm still young and free. keke ~ Writing is always my passion since I was younger. Starting from the basic till now but I still need to improving my skill coz i'm not the superior yet. Yeah, so now I will be introducing you one of my artpiece that I've been working on right now. 

The Femme Fatale

 This is one of my entry for a contest that due next month and I am currently 60% finishing this. The idea comes from imagining a supernatural power and inspiration thanks to Grimm Tales. I'm their hardcore lover. I loves mystery and horror To gain more idea, I also created the trailer for this. Somehow it helps me getting more accurate in what I want in this story. So, let's wish me a good luck for the contest and there is a chance i might post the story here. Lastly, hope you enjoy watching the trailer and share how you felt after that .
